Monday 1 July 2024

Moral Regeneration Month 2024: 1 to 31 July

July marks the commemoration of Moral Regeneration Month, an initiative of the Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM), which is aimed at encouraging people to recommit to efforts of building communities grounded on positive values and rededicate to building a caring society in pursuit of creating lasting peace and prosperity in the country. 

This is the birthday month of Nelson Mandela who inspired the formation of the Moral Generation Movement. It is also the month in which the Charter of Positive Values was adopted. 

During his time as President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela was concerned about the decline in the country’s moral values. In June 1997, he held a meeting with key South African religious and spiritual leaders to discuss the role of religion in nation building and social transformation. It included the need for such institutions to work with government in rebuilding the moral fabric of the nation. This was the foundation of the Moral Regeneration Movement.

Charter of positive values:
þ Respect human dignity and equality.
þ Promote freedom, the rule of law and democracy.
þ Improve material well-being and economic justice.
þ Develop sound family and community values.
þ Uphold honesty, integrity and loyalty.
þ Ensure harmony in culture, belief and conscience.
þ Show respect and concern for all people.
þ Fight for justice, fairness and peaceful co-existence.
þ Protect the environment.

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