Thursday 23 May 2024

Two minute story: The Emu and the Lyrebird

An emu and a lyrebird were friends. The emu was known for his strength and speed, while the lyrebird was known for his beautiful singing.

One day, the emu and the lyrebird were out for a walk when they came across a dangerous snake. The snake was about to attack the emu when the lyrebird sang a beautiful song that distracted the snake and allowed the emu to escape.

The emu was grateful and thanked the lyrebird for saving his life. The lyrebird, humble as always, said that it was his pleasure and that the emu would have done the same for him. The emu and the lyrebird learned that true friendship is based on mutual respect and support.

The moral of The Emu and the Lyrebird story is: True friends are always there for each other, and that everyone has unique strengths and talents that can help others.

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