Sunday, 31 May 2020

How to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship

Being Involved

Get on their level.

Emphasise the importance of family time, especially.

Dedicate one-on-one time for each child.

Stay in touch with academics, friendships, favourite websites, and extra-curriculars.

1.         Maintaining Positive Communication

1.1       Be trustworthy.

1.2       Practice active listening without distractions.

1.3       There are 3 F’s in effective parenting. Remember them and follow them.

Be firm. State what the consequences are and apply them consistently.

Be fair. Make sure the punishment fits the crime. Try to avoid harsh or excessive consequences.

Be friendly. Convey your words in steady yet polite tone. Avoid raising your voice. Simply explain what terms they violated and lay out the consequences. Also, take time to praise them when they are doing well.

Have relaxed, side-by-side conversations.

Changing the Relationship over Time

Review rules and increase privileges as your children get older.

Include them in decisions.

Encourage your child to take on challenges and find independence.

Open up and show your human side.


Thursday, 28 May 2020

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Hoe gaan dit met jou kinders?

James Ryle het die volgende tydens 'n konferensie van die organisasie Promise Keepers vertel. Toe hy twee was, is sy pa tronk toe gestuur. Toe hy sewe was, is hy in 'n kinderhuis geplaas. Op 19 was hy in 'n motorongeluk betrokke waarin 'n vriend gesterf het. Hy het dwelms verkoop om geld vir sy regskoste bymekaar te maak, maar is gearresteer en het tronkstraf uitgedien. James het in die gevangenis tot bekering gekom.

Na sy ontslag het hy hom tot die bediening gewend. Jare later het hy sy pa opgespoor. Sy pa het gevra, 'In watter tronk was jy?' Op James se antwoord, het sy pa gesê, 'Ek het daardie gevangenis help bou.' Hy was 'n sweiser wat aan verskeie tronke gewerk het. James het gesê, 'Ek was in die tronk wat my pa help bou het' Jou kinders sal miskien nie altyd na jou raad luister nie, maar hulle kan nooit aan jou invloed ontsnap nie. 'n Kind wat sy of haar eerste 18 tot 21 jaar saam met jou slyt, sal nie anders kan nie, as om sommige van jou misstappe te herhaal, wrewelrig te wees jeens jou, maar hopenlik ook bly te wees oor jou nalatenskap.

God het oor Abraham gesê, 'Ek het hom gekies sodat hy sy seuns en hulle gesinne kan opvoed om die Here te gehoorsaam, deur te doen wat opreg en regverdig is.' Sal God dieselfde van jou kan sê? Die evangelis Filippus het die stad Samaria bekeer, maar meer nog, hy het '...vier ongetroude dogters gehad met die gawe om te profeteer' (Handelinge 21:9). Sy kinders het moreel en geestelik goed gevaar. Hoe staan sake met jou kinders?

Saturday, 23 May 2020

7000 dankies!!!

Dankie vir elkeen wat so gereeld by ons inloer.
Vertel gerus vir jou vriende van ons.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Kreatiewe blomme

Cupcakes op 'n Vrydagaand kan heeltemal
iets anders beteken as wat jy dink.
Kry nog wonderlike idees HIER!!!


Raak betrokke by die "Hand in hand"-aksie.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Koester Karos deel in die Riebies Callenge ...

Dankie, juffrou Chantelle Gebhart dat jy hierdie heerlike
aktiwiteit met ons Koester Karos-lesers deel.

Nog idees HIER!!  
Ons toetser van die blou klassie het die resep
vooraf vir ons getoets ... flatervry! Dankie, Luan! 

Hierdie speletjie is nommer pas vir Riebieland se "Blou klas"

Luan Herbst wys aan die Koester Karos-kykers
dat hierdie metode om getalle en hoeveelhede te
verstaan, die heel maklikste een is.
Nog idees HIER!!  

Spel speel-speel met drie boekies

Die spel van woorde was nog nooit
so maklik nie. Gaan loer 
vir nog slim idees.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Die tegniek lê in die sit ...

Luan Herbst demonstreer hier vir Koester Karos se lesers
hoe 'n mens sommer "papierballe" kan gebruik om die
bottelmonster te voer. Al wat jy nodig het, is 'n leë
plastiese bottel waarin 'n groot gat gesny word
(versiering opsioneel - maar tog 'n lekker aktiwiteit)
en dan moet die "balle"  in die bottel gegooi word.
'n Heerlike tydverdryf teen minimale koste.
Nog idees

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Bybelverhaal: Twee vissies en vyf broodjies

Klik HIER om na die wonderlike storie te
luister wat tannie Hencia vertel. Spits julle
oortjies en teken of maak dan 'n vissie van papier.

Besondere gebed van 'n moeder

'n Bruin moeder van sewe kinders sê dat sy haar kinders net deur gebed en groot genade grootgekry het. Haar naam is Maria en sy woon in Potchefstroom. Hier volg haar gebed:

"Vader van genade.
Ons staan weer vandag hier voor U as moeders wat baie bekommerd oor onse kinders se toekoms is. Ons is net die wasmasjiene, Here. 
Die Bybel is onse seeppoeier en onse gebede is die water, Here."
Die kinders is die wasgoed.
Nou as daardie klere nie skoonkom nie, Here, gebruik ons baie water.
Nou gebeur dit ook dat ons die wasgoed moet soak vir 'n lang tyd, omdat onse Vader ons partykeer nie dadelik antwoord nie.
Ons weet die Here antwoord ons op Sy eie tyd."

[Oorgeneem uit Interaksie van 2004:2]

Saturday, 16 May 2020

'n Handruiker vir ma

Trek die hande van die kinders af en
laat hulle 'n blomruiker maak.
Nog idees

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

The Starfish story: One step towards changing the world

You may have heard this one, but I find that it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of it every once in a while. First, let me tell you the story, and then we can talk about it.

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The boy replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realise there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…” I made a difference for that one.”

For many of us the “starfish story” is the standard call to duty, knowing that each life you touch matters, even if it is only one.

We all have the opportunity to help create positive change, but if you’re like me, you sometimes find yourself thinking, “I’m already really busy, and how much of a difference can I really make?” I think this is especially true when we’re talking about addressing massive social problems like tackling world hunger or finding a cure for cancer, but it pops up all of the time in our everyday lives, as well. So when I catch myself thinking that way, it helps to remember this story. You might not be able to change the entire world, but at least you can change a small part of it, for someone.

If everything you did had to have a huge, immediate impact before you gave it a little of your time,
then you’d end up doing very little with your life. And sometimes, the little things we do can add up and turn into big things — they make ripples that spread further than we can see.

Those starfish that the young boy saved may have gone on to produce thousands more.

So the next time you get chance to make a small difference, don’t think of the big picture and just do it — after all, it might not make a difference to you, but to somebody else, it might.

Go Make A difference!!!

[by Loren Eiseley]

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day 2020

Mother's day ...

Mother's day!!

Who doesn't know Mother's day?

It's fine. I'll tell you about mother's day. Mother's day is a day that I love. A day that is celebrated to all mothers out there. To every single women who plays a part in making sure that a child is guided, happy, safe and taken care of. It's a day that is dedicated to all those women who would die to make sure that a child has eaten at night, irrespective whether it's their own or not. A woman. A leader. A wife. A life companion. A parent. A God sent.

I want to thank all those women that make sure that they offer their talents to help children everywhere and every-how they can ... I dedicate this day in appreciating all the women in my life, my teachers, my mentor, coaches and most of all, my single mother. The one woman that makes sure that I'm disciplined, I take responsibility and accountability for my actions, that makes sure that I have a meal every night. To all those women who does the same to other children as well, I thank you for all your struggles. We have to know where we come from, in order for us to know where we're going. We may not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.
We're forever indebted to you

[Alex Manise 9 May 2020]

Saturday, 9 May 2020


Wat gee 'n mens vir jou ouma vir Moedersdag
as jou bronne beperk is tot bokse en tuinmateriaal?
Luan het vir sy ouma hierdie spesiale kleurvolle
dennebolmannetjie gemaak, sodat sy in liefde
en met 'n glimlag aan hom kan dink, elke keer
as sy hierdie eko-vriendelike presentjie sien. 

Saturday, 2 May 2020