Friday, 25 October 2019

Sutherland vat kleur kop toe ...

Nog foto's hier.

'n Propvol en besige dag het die Sutherland-dames se daaglikse roetine uitgedaag. Hulle het hierdie Vrydag weereens bewus geword van die feit dat 'n mens na jou gesondheid moet kyk. Die roekelose omgang en nalatigheid t.o.v. jou gesondheid, het 'n manier om jou op jou oudag in te haal.

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Teacher day ...

The lawyer hopes you get into trouble,
the doctor hopes you fall sick,
the police hopes you become a criminal,
the coffin maker wants you dead,
only the TEACHER wishes to educate you
and liberate you from the bondage of ignorance.
Please hug the next teacher by your side,
he/she is one of your true friends.

[Thank you, Holang, for sharing this with us.]