Thursday, 28 November 2024

Een minuut storie: 'n Wyse ou uil

'n Ou uil het elke dag in sy groot eikeboom gesit en na die wêreld onder die boom gekyk. Niks het sy groot oë ontglip nie. Hy het dinge gesien wat hy nie kon glo nie. Hoe meer dinge hy gesien het, hoe minder het hy gepraat. Soggens vroeg as die ander voëls hulle vere regskud om hulle oggendlied te sing en sommer so ‘n paar skinderstories in te gooi, het ou uil niks gesê nie. Hy het ook mense hoor praat en hulle soms skokkende stories gehoor. Die ou uil het meer gesien en gehoor omdat hy nie so baie rondgevlieg en rondgekuier het nie. Al hierdie ondervindinge het die uil gehelp om dag vir dag wyser te word.

Wat het ek uit hierdie storie geleer?
Praat minder en wees meer oplettend – op hierdie manier sal jy ook wys word.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Rosetta se goeie wense:

Mag ons vandag
nie so haastig wees
om te oordeel nie.
Maar dat ons elke dag
om leiding sal bid.

Monday, 25 November 2024

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence: 25 November-10 Desember

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Violence can be prevented and we all have a role to play! Join us. This year, the theme of the 16 Days is “Investing to prevent violence against women and girls”, focusing on the importance of investing in different prevention strategies to stop violence from its beginning.

For communities
Be an activist against GBV in your homes, communities, work and positions:
Challenge cultures and practices that perpetuate gender inequalities and consequent abuse of women and children at personal and societal level.

Violence against women continues to occur at an alarming scale in every country in the world. Too often it is accepted as normal behaviour and the global culture of discrimination against women allows violence to occur with impunity.

Play your part:
* Reject and report abusers - Act and don’t look away!
* Do not protect abusers, report them!
* Sign the Pledge Against Gender-Based Violence. Do not engage in abusive activities and become an abuser- Stop abuse.
* Challenge and denounce cultural practices that perpetuate gender inequalities
* Be sensitive and supportive to GBV victims - share helpful information and support causes near you.
* Seek personal help to change harmful behaviors such as alcohol and substance abuse
* Teach children values of gender equality
* Protect children from exposure to violence and harmful content on internet and social media, including pornography, sexual solicitation
* Develop policies that prevent and deal with gender based violence in your sector, workplace and communities.
* Organise targeted community outreach and dialogues on solution towards a gender equal society.

Together, let us take actions to support the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign.

How to fight against gender-based violence?
* Listen to and believe survivors.
* Teach the next generation and learn from them.
* Call for responses and services fit for purpose.
* Understand consent.
* Learn the signs of abuse and how you can help.
* Start a conversation.
* Stand against rape culture.
* Fund women's organizations.


Thursday, 21 November 2024

Een minuut storie: Die gans wat daagliks ‘n goue eier lê

'n Man wat op ‘n klein stukkie grond buite die stad gebly het, het 'n gans gehad wat een goue eier per dag gelê het. Hy het die goue eiers elke Saterdag op die mark gaan verkoop, en hy en sy vrou het 'n gemaklike lewe geniet.

Die man het daaraan gedink dat as hy meer as een goue eier per dag uit die gans kan kry, sal hy mos skatryk kan word. Hy het sy plan aan sy vrou verduidelik en sy het dwaas ingestem tot sy sogenaamde briljante idee van vinnig ryk word. Die volgende dag het die man die gans oopgesny nadat sy die goue eier gelê het. Hy kon egter niks anders sien as net bloed en ingewande nie. Hy het sy fout besef. Maar dit was te laat Hy en sy vrou het nou geen bron van inkomste meer gehad nie, en die egpaar het by die dag armer geword.

Wat het ek uit hierdie storie geleer?
* Dink voordat jy optree – moenie dwaas optree nie. 
* Daar is nie iets soos vinnig ryk word nie.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Rosetta se goeie wense:

Ek bid dat jy vandag
omring sal word
deur mense wat vir jou lief is,
wat vir jou omgee en
en wat God se seën oor jou afbid.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

International Men’s Day: 19 November

On November 19, International Men’s Day celebrates worldwide the positive value men bring to the world, their families and communities. We highlight positive role models and raise awareness of men’s well-being. Our theme for 2024 is “Positive Male Role Models”.

Being in November brings special significance because it is also the month of "Movember", an annual event where men grow their moustaches during the entire month to raise awareness of health issues concerning men such as testicular cancer, prostate cancer, etc. It is also the month which celebrates Children's Day, on 20 November which then forms 48 hours of celebrations for men and children, and the special relationship they share.

What is the purpose of International men's Day?

International Men's Day, celebrated on November 19 every year, is dedicated to men and their contributions to society. The day seeks to celebrate the success and progress made by men in economic, social, cultural, and political spheres and their contributions to family, institutions and society at large.

The objectives of International Men’s Day are listed below: 
* One of the IMD's goals is to promote positive male role models. It includes supporting not only sportsmen and film stars but also regular working-class men who lead morally upright lives.
* To prioritise the social, spiritual, physical, and emotional health and wellbeing of men.
* To promote gender equality and improve gender relations.
* To honour the positive contributions men have made to the environment, marriage, community, family, and society.
* To bring attention to the discrimination against men in the legal system, social attitudes, and social expectations. To build a better and safer world where everyone can live in security while growing to their full potential.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “We must become the change we seek.” It is only when we all, both men and women, lead by example that we will create a fair and safe society that allows everyone the opportunity to prosper.

Dinsdaggedagtes van Katelyn Marais

Sunday, 17 November 2024

My gedagtes: Vriendskap

Daar is nie iemand wat alles weet nie ... Alhoewel daar baie mense is wat dink hulle weet alles.

As jy vir iemand sou vra wat 'n vriend is, sal jy baie subjektiewe antwoorde kry. Die objektiewe antwoord waarna 'n mens soek, is dat 'n vriend iemand is wat vir jou lief is (net dit) ... sonder voorwaardes.

Mense weet nie meer wat liefde is nie. Kyk maar net 'n slag om jou rond, kyk na die nuus en lees die koerante. Ons het 'n liefdelose generasie geword, wat na kitsoplossings soek.  

Is liefde dan 'n emosie?

Nee! Liefde is jou aksies. Wat jy doen, nie wat jy voel nie.

'n Vriend is iemand wat nie vir jou kan of wil lieg nie. Iemand wat te alle tye vir jou die waarheid en niks anders as die waarheid vertel nie. 'n Vriend is iemand wat aan jou glo en wat ook in jou lewensdroom glo. 'n Vriend is iemand wat dankbaar is dat jy sy of haar pad gekruis het en iemand wat jou op die regte pad hou.

Jou vriend is 'n rots.

Jou vriend is altyd daar vir jou as jy in die storms van die lewe beland. Hy of sy staan saam met jou teen die aanslae van die suidewind. 

'n Vriend is altyd daar vir jou.

'n Vriend is betroubaar.

Maar ek is ook hartseer as ek aan vriende dink, want daar is baie vals vriende wat hulle eie geheime agenda het. Hulle is die spreekwoordelike houtkappers van die lewe. Hulle kap ongevraagd jou hout.

Hulle is daar in jou lewe vir wat hulle wil hê en wat hulle uit die vriendskap kan kry ... nie vir jou as persoon nie, maar daar is altyd hoop ... hoop dat die wêreld van 'n liefdelose wêreld kan verander na 'n liefdevolle wêreld. 

Wees dankbaar as jy 'n ware vriend het, hulle is skaars ... dis die vals vriende wat volop is.    

Saturday, 16 November 2024

International Day of Tolerance

Monday, 16 November 2020 is the date of International Day for Tolerance. Tolerance Day is a United Nations’ observance and is celebrated on 16 November every year since 1996. It is not a public holiday.

Tolerance is respect for other’s rights and freedom. Tolerance is not only a moral duty but also a requirement of the present era. States should legislate for equality and basic human rights for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence. Education is an important tool to pave the path for these desired results.

Friday, 15 November 2024

Portia's advice

Optrede: Rozinda Ross Disko Dansers

Die Rozinda Ross Disko Dansers tree Saterdag, 16 November om 11h00 by Christina Kiddie Kindersentrum op. 9 van ons dogters is deel van die groep. Almal is baie WELKOM om 30 minute se opwinding saam met ons in ons tuin te kom geniet. 

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Een minuut storie: Die trotse en hoogmoedige roos

In die woestyn het 'n roos en 'n kaktus langs mekaar gegroei. Die pragtige roos sou elke kans gebruik om die kaktus te beledig. Die hoogmoedige roos het gedink dat sy mooier is as die vaal doringrige kaktus. Die ander plante het probeer om die kaktus te verdedig, maar die roos was te behep met haar eie voorkoms. Een besondere warm somer was daar nog minder water as gewoonlik in die woestyn. Die roos het haar blomme verloor en begin kwyn. Maar die kaktus het 'n bron van water vir die klein voëltjies van die woestyn geword. Die roos het die kaktus vir water gevra, en die vrygewige kaktus het geredelik ingestem.

Wat het ek uit hierdie storie geleer?
* Moet nooit iemand oordeel volgens hulle uiterlike nie.
* Belangriker nog - die kaktus was nie so beledigend teenoor die roos soos die roos teenoor hom was nie. Die kaktus het die spreekwoordelike ander wang gedraai.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Rosetta se goeie wense:

Mag ons vandag entoesiasties uitreik
en omgeeliefde versprei.
Mag ons ons van 'n nuttelose
bestaan weerhou.

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Feed the Birds

Early each day to the steps of St' Pauls
the little old bird woman comes
in her own special way to
the people she calls
"Come, buy my bags full of crumbs
Come feed the little birds
show them you care
and you'll be glad if you do
Their young ones are hungry their nests are so bare
All it takes is tuppence from you
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag
Feed the birds" that's what she cries
while overhead, her birds fill the skies

All around the cathedral the saints and apostles
look down as she sells her wares
Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling
each time someone shows that he cares

Though her words are simple and few
listen, listen she's calling to you
"feed the birds, tuppence a bag
Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag"

Uit: Mary Poppins

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Drie minute dinkstorie: Die storie van Rowan Atkinson - Mr Bean

Hierdie storie handel oor ‘n man wat aan sy drome vasgeklou het ... 'n Bekende man ... iemand wat mense van alle ouderdomme laat lag het, hulle vir 'n oomblik laat vergeet het van hulle swaarkry ... iemand wat ook die pad van swaarkry gestap het ...

Wie sal kan raai dat die snaakse Rowan Atkinson, of Mr Bean soos hy beter bekend staan, dit baie moeilik en swaar as kind gehad het? Hy het as kind vreeslik gehakkel en is ook geboelie en gespot oor hoe hy lyk. Sy boelies het gesê dat hy soos ‘n ‘alien’ lyk. Boelies steel jou selfvertroue.
Dit was nie lank nie of almal het gedink dat hy vreemd is, wat hom baie skaam gemaak het en daarom het hy nie eintlik vriende gehad nie. Daar was niks besonders aan hom nie.

Terwyl hy op universiteit was het hy verlief geraak op drama, maar hy kon nie optree as akteur nie, omdat hy so gehakkel het. Hy het sy graad in elektriese ingenieurswese klaargemaak en toe besluit om sy droom om ‘n akteur te word na te jaag.

Sy spraakgebrek het nie sy verskoning geword om sy droom te begrawe nie. Hy het by ‘n dramagroep aangesluit en oudisie vir TV advertensies gedoen, maar is elke keer weggewys as gevolg van sy hakkel probleem. 

Dit het hom egter nie laat moed opgee om te probeer nie.

Rowan het geweet dat hy ‘n gawe het om mense te laat lag, en wanneer hy ‘n karakter gespeel het het hy nie gehakkel nie, en so is Mr Bean gebore. Hy het ten spyte van sy spraakgebrek en hoe hy lyk beroemd geraak en bewys dat jy nie ‘n Hollywood-gesig en -lyf nodig het om een van die geliefste karakters in die wêreld te wees nie.
Onthou altyd dat as jy ‘n passie het vir wat jy doen, bereid is om hard te werk, en nooit moed opgee nie, maak nie saak hoeveel struikelblokke daar in jou pad kom nie, kan jy soos Rowan sukses behaal. Niemand is perfek nie. Moenie bang wees nie. 'n Mens kan elke dag wonderlike goed doen
ten spyte van jou struikelblokke en swakhede. Moenie ophou probeer en tou opgegooi omdat dit moeilik is, of omdat jy misluk nie. So gaan en maak die beste met die een lewe wat jy het om te leef.

 Mense wat suksesvol is werk hard, en hou aan probeer totdat hulle dit regkry.

[Gaan kuier gerus by hierdie inspirerende webwerf - Jeug@Jesus - Klik HIER vir die skakel!]

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Awareness raising on the rights of persons with disabilities: 3 November-3 Desember

South Africa joins the global community to commemorate Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM) from 3 November to 3 December. Disability is an evolving concept and is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these.

There are many misconceptions surrounding disabilities. For example, some assume that all disabilities are visible, but that couldn’t be more incorrect. When someone has a disability, it means that a person has a mental or physical impairment that can restrict the ability to participate in everyday activities. Never make assumptions based on those internalized stereotypes or misconceptions.

It is not uncommon for those with disabilities to experience discrimination in some way throughout their lives. Believe it or not, but discrimination can present itself within education, health care facilities, employment and even the justice system.

It is hard for people to understand how important raising awareness is until they realize how many people there are with disabilities. Around 49 million Americans and one billion people in the world have a disability in some regard.

Through disability awareness, the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding those with disabilities can be brought to the forefront. When these are gone, attitudes and behaviors become more positive and impactful.

Awareness creates empathy; so, when you try to understand one another, it will stop that stereotyping mindset and create an inclusive and safe environment. By self-educating, you can find ways to create change and spread the word to others.

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Don't mess with the old dogs

An old Doberman starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he is lost. Wandering about, he notices a lion heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch.

The old Doberman thinks, "Oh, oh! I'm in deep trouble!"
Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the lion is about to leap, the old Doberman exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious lion! I wonder, if there are any more around here?"

Hearing this, the young lion halts his attack in mid-stride, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. "Whew!," says the lion, "That was close! That old Doberman nearly had me!"

Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the lion. So, off he goes.

The squirrel soon catches up with the lion, spills the beans and strikes adeal for himself with the lion.
The young lion is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!"

Now, the old Doberman sees the lion coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?," but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old Doberman says "Where's that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another lion!"
Moral of this story:
Don't mess with the old dogs ... Age, experience and skill will always overcome youth and treachery.